Memory Ordering has been the latest topic under discussion in the Open Source Study Group. We walked through several concepts such as atomic memory access, volatile declarations, compiler and CPU reordering with different semantics -including the acquire-release model-, fences, compare-and-set (CAS) loops, ABA problems, lock-free algorithms and more. A few lock-free ring-buffer implementations were analyzed; including loki, dpdk and FreeBSD’s buf_ring (kernel).
We found a memory corruption bug in FreeBSD’s ring-buffer. Under specific thread scheduling conditions, and assuming a multiple-producers scenario, it could be possible to overwrite unread entries. However, we did not attempt full exploitation and our PoC (proof-of-concept) makes a few assumptions that may not accurately represent the reality. As a result, it well be the case that the bug is there but triggering not feasible under the constraints -currently- imposed by the context.
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